Who Is the Anti-Christ? What is the Rapture and Major Events on the Way

  • Events to Come- Time is Short

  • The Anti-Christ

  • A False Peace

  • Global Nuclear War

  • Holy War Between Christians and Muslims

  • Economic Turmoil

  • Ezekiel 38 War between Russai, Turkey, and Iran- Lining up now

  • Damascus destroyed in a single night

  • America deals with a National Security Event- This would be a black flag event not anticipated.

I am hestant to reach out to Jesus and ask for information but I did it this month. He was very gracious and it is a rare experince to feel his presence. Here is my conversation:

Jane- Is the Anti-Christ a politician?

Jesus - It is a man currently on the world stage. He will not reveal who he is until Christians are removed through the rapture. He contunued to say, “ He is not in a hurry and watches for conflicts around the world to escalate. He went on the say, “ he is enjoying the pain he has inflicted on the Jewish people. ”

That sentence was interesting because it tells us this person is watching all the events unfolding now and he/she is likely actively participating.

Jesus went on to say, besides the Anti-Christ there is a group of three who work with him in the shadows. They are sworn to great secrecy. Jesus gave me one name and said the other 2 would surprise me.

I was told to watch for an event which is a pre-curser to the Rapture. He said it will unleash the Rapture. The event is somehow connected to Iran and Russia.

( my guess is this could be the Psalm 83 war when the city of Damascus is destroyed.)

I have a strong feeling time is short. The Anti-Christ is standing just behind the curtain and ready to step on to the world stage. After the Rapture every person in the world will know his name. There are 7 things coming

The Rapture of the church occurs in the blink of and eye. This happens first. There are no signs before it occurs. Jesus comes for his Saints ( Believers). It happens instantaneously. There is no judgement or wrath for the Believers. It will be a time of great joy for those who have placed their fath and love in Jesus.

The Anti-Christ makes his/her first appearance. This will be after the Rapture

There is a false sense of securiity. There is a passage in the Bible which says—-” when they say peace and safety, destruction is upon you! “

Global nuclear war becomes possible

A holy war is likely to break out between Christians and Muslims

Economic Turmoil and the Mark of the Beast. The Mark of the Beast willl likely be a computer chip.

The war moves toward Syria and the city of Damascus.

Damascus is destroyed - This possiblity is becoming more likely as I write this post. Hezzbolah is based in the areas north of Israel, therefore the war will move towards Syria and Lebanon.

There will be a red flag event coming to the Inited States. We will see an eclipse on April 8th. It starts in Canada and will travel acvross the USA creating the shape of a cross. the eclipse will pass directly over 7 cities with the same name ( Nimeva). Even the only Canadian city has this name. It is considered the sign of Jonah.

Saint Germain commented on the eclipse and said,” All signs in the heavens are warnings, This is God’s way of getting your attention.”

Saint Germain also said the Rapture is very close. First, however, the city of Damascus will he a heap of ruin. As I finish this post I hear in the news that Iran is transferring weapons through Hezzbolah though Syria. Damascus is in Syria.

Saint Germain also used the word close—- He said there will be more activity happening in Israel and unless there is a change, we are close to the Rapture.. He went on the say the Masters discuss the events happening on earth every day.

Now is the time to accept Jesus as your savior. We don’t know the hour but everybody should be ready. My heart breaks for those who will be left behind. It won’t be an easy time, but some will be saved during the 7 year Tribulation; others will perish. I love you all and want you to be safe. Jane