
Part 1 Introduction


This is a series of articles about the same subject.    Originally I planned to write a book however, I changed my mind and decided the information was too important to wait until I could finish the manuscript and find a publisher. This material is time sensitive and you should realize this as you read it.

Prophecy means to predict events.   Biblical prophecy is clearly outlined in the Bible but it is difficult to interpret some of the words and phrases. I have channeled this information. I will continue sharing what I know for the next 12 months. I will keep you updated on additional information I receive from Saint Germain and from Jesus.

In my first channeled conversation with Jesus he said this to me and also to you, “Dear Ones, I love you and you are my children. Do not forsake me and the other Holy Ones who support you and your families. Spend time with me, and know I am fully aware of your presence. We blend together in a way allowing me to integrate my spirit with yours. The Holy Spirit will guide and protect you.  This is my plea to those who may be lost to me. Hear what I say and do not delay. Time is short.”


Jesus wants us to prepare for his arrival. He believes we all should be warned of his coming.    He said the current world is filled with many souls who wish to dominate the weak.  He says Israel is prepared. He wants this information to be distributed all over the world so we can prepare for the coming events, and establish a relationship with Him.

He is very concerned about children. He says children will not be held responsible for their lack of faith, but parents will be.

I was told the timing of world events is adjusted every 24 hours. Sometimes the clock moves forward;  other times backwards. The Master’s monitor events on earth every day.

Jesus said, “evil is pervasive in our culture and it is lurking in unsuspected places such as schools, shopping centers, videos, and television.   He said a group of angels work to mitigate the damage in subtle ways.”

We should watch for signs. Many will appear in the sky; others upon the ocean.    Noises could also be signs and listen for rumbling sounds all over the world. This is used by the Masters to activate the higher thoughts of all of us.  He told me to look for his cross in the skies all over the world.  This happening now.  In Medajorie Portugal there have been visions of the Virgin Mother. 

Jesus told me not to be concerned by this. He said, “Events are moving wheels, and when the wheel stops, it moves back and forth.” So even when the wheel is moving slowly, the energy is still active.

He does not want us to ignore the changes ahead.. He said, “There is a strong desire to ignore what is clearly seen.    He also comments that those people who are religious can see the signs, and others don’t want to see them because of fear.

He tells us 2023 is a good year to prepare.   He wants all of us to know him---- He asked me to express his love for all of you.   He does not want us to be discouraged.  There will be ups and downs.  He compares the current time to a chessboard--- He says and I quote, “The time is unknown Events ahead will be a lesson for some, death of the soul for others, and everlasting life for the ones who love God, the Father. “