Looking Ahead 100 Years

 In this blog post I asked  Saint Germain about questions  we all have about the future.  When I think back to the early part of this century-- let’s say 1920--there were barely automobiles—- air travel was not available, and foreigners had to cross the ocean on large ships in order to get here to the United States.  We shopped  in the local mom and pop  grocery store but it wasn’t anything like our superstores of today.  I looked ahead one hundred years to find out more about the way humans will live in 2021.   I’m going to share my conversation with Saint Germain.

Jane – Can you see ahead?

Saint Germain – Yes, we see ahead and we intervene when necessary.  It is the responsibility of the Masters to observe the trends on earth and other planets. We are responsible for this enormous universe

Jane – I know you have been reluctant to answer this question, but it seems to fit nicely with what you just said. Can you comment on this Corona Virus which is spreading in the country of China and now outside it’s borders?

He was unwilling to say anything significant except what you see below.

Saint Germain – What  has been discovered  has revealed great sadness, as some were tempted to use their level of power in the world. I cannot reveal the source, however the truth will be revealed when the time is right..

This sounded a little ominous and almost as if the virus had been developed and planted into the population.  It may be the reason China won’t let our scientists into the country.  If I hear more from Saint Germain I’ll let you know.

Jane – What will transportation look like in 2100?

Saint  Germain – The need for individualized transport will be greatly reduced. There will be an upsurge in the development of transportation vehicles which  will serve many.

Jane – Are you talking about electric cars or a type of electric train?

Saint  Germain – Both -- but not as you perceive in your mind.  There will be the capacity for people and goods to move through a transportation system controlled in a central area.

Jane – What will the life expectancy be of the human being be in 2100?

Saint Germain – Life expectancy will be longer however not to the extent that a human body  lives hundreds of years. Life expectancy will increase to 100 or slightly more  after the source of cell mutation is revealed.

Jane – In some of my  past  readings  there were certain individuals who said there would be a  decline in religion and faith in general.  Is this still true?

Saint Germain – Yes, faith in the unseen worlds will be over ridden by the importance of  the human body, and scientists will accentuate this belief. This loss of faith will be brief and last hundred years. There will be a resurgence of faith when the Great One returns.

Jane – Are you talking about Jesus Christ?

Saint Germain – Yes indeed

Jane – Can you tell me when?

Saint Germain- around 2500 AD

This date was  a surprise to me, as I expected something further out into the future.

Jane – When will we make first contact with other civilizations?  You made it clear to me years ago we were not alone in the universe?

Saint Germain – The date has already been established, however, your government along with others are pledged to secrecy not to allow this truth to be revealed until there has been more preparation for world populations.

Jane – What kind of preparation will we need?

Saint  Germain – The upcoming 50 years will slowly reveal secrets held by your government. There is a slow trickle of information coming out into the public’s understanding which paves the way.

I asked the question--- How will they do this?  Saint Germain would not say. My own personal opinion is on some of the television programs particularly  Ancient Aliens, they are already revealing some of the footage taken by pilots of what they call Tic Tac’s.  This may be part of the preparation for letting us know we are not alone in this huge universe.

Jane – Will there be a cure for cancer?

Saint Germain – Yes, cancer is a mutation upon birth and will be stronger and less capable of breakdown. There is great work being accomplished by scientists here working with those who are embodied. We wish to see the human body gain strength in order to live to 125- 150 years. In this way, the entire human population on earth speeds up the educational effects of life on the soul.

This was surprising to me----- many times when I listen to Saint Germain something is revealed totally outside of even my imagination. I will have to talk more about the question and answer to find out why and how we ended up with some type of mutation.

Thank you for following my work. Blessings to all of you! Jane