

I thought this would be a great topic considering Christmas is only a few weeks away!

In the dictionary a miracle is defined as an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (especially a deity), magic, a miracle worker, a saint, or a religious leader.  Some coincidences are also attributed to miracles.

I think the greatest miracle is to understand we are all expressions of Christ and as spiritual beings all connected. This is sometimes referred to as the atonement--- or at one ment.   The Course in Miracles devotes the first chapter to the topic of miracles.    The first sentence says, “There is no difficulty in miracles.”   In the first chapter Jesus makes it very clear miracles are our right!   He says miracles are thoughts, and the medium of miracles is prayer.  I encourage those of you unfamiliar with the book to read it slowly--- one page a day!

When I decided to write this post my husband gave me permission to share one of his own miracles. I also want you to understand in some respects a miracle is accepting and using our own power. St. Germain has always told me this is the power of our own thoughts.

Some of you know that in addition to Saint Germain I’m now working with a teacher by the name of Alice Bailey. She is also known as the great Tibetan teacher, Djwal Khul. She participates in the writing of this post.

I said to Alice, “faith is needed for a miracle. Is this not correct?”

Alice said faith is evidence of things not seen and that evidence is mostly lacking in many people. Faith is not wishful thinking or hope. It is evidence of a well-grounded conviction.   Miraculous healings cannot happen unless there is faith or belief.

This brings to mind some of the teachings of Saint Germain. He says energy follows thought and if the thought is well focused it will create what is desired and emerge in our direct physical experience. He says, “these thoughts should be directed in and through the soul-- not the personality. This allows the energy to flow.” He also reminds us we are creators, given the gift of free will. So can manipulate our experience through our thoughts. --- This is part of the power of the “I AM.”   I could change these short two words to I am a creator.

My husband Don’s miracle occurred after a terrible divorce in which his wife had an affair.  He found her in a compromised position with another man in a condominium they both owned.   After this terrible experience followed by a litigious divorce in which he lost everything he leaned into his strong Faith in God and participated in Divorce Care classes offered by his local church.  He was extremely depressed and one night after he was driving home from his session at the church he was driving over a local bridge and he thought to himself, “all I need to do is turn this wheel and all my pain will end.” Instead, he said, a powerful presence seemed to surround him and all of a sudden all of his pain, including the overpowering sense of loss left him. My husband   would tell you this is his number one miracle in life.   He would also tell you the miracle for him was not that he did not turn the wheel, but the instantaneous escape from the immense pain and anguish he had been experiencing for over a year. And it never came back to haunt him or disrupt his life again. He says sometimes he thinks it’s like being suddenly cured and returning from the dead.

However, following this experience he had what he calls his second miracle.

Following the divorce his ex-wife took everything. She changed some of the documents in the divorce agreement and this was done without my husband’s knowledge.  He didn’t realize this until they were at the end stage of the proceedings. He lost everything he owned including his house and his retirement savings. He was living in a small apartment desperately looking for job. Nothing seemed to be happening. He finally said, “I turned it over to God.”  Within 24 hours he received a call from a man asking if he was the Donald Green who worked at a particular company 20 years prior to that.

 As it turned out this man had hired a private detective to find my husband so that he could offer him a job!

They had not seen each other for 20 years but he remembered Don had been his best employee and wanted to hire only him for the job.  During the negotiations with the job my husband made up a prayer and asked God for exactly a certain amount of money and a salary. He also asked for certain benefits. He also told God he did not want to negotiate.   He was offered the job at exactly the salary and benefits he had prayed for. He also had prayed he would not be offered a management position and he was offered the highest paid job outside of management!  My husband, of course, accepted the job and it was a very good one. He believes that was his second miracle. Shortly after that I met him following my own divorce.  This was also a mini miracle because I wasn’t interested in any other relationship, but my sister convinced me that I should just date this one man who had showed up on a dating site that she was searching. When we finally met for dinner, my husband reached out to say grace. I took his hands and joined him in prayer. He says he knew that I was the one for him because I was the first woman in 60 others he had dated who was willing to say grace in a public place.

So I asked St. Germain a couple of questions

Jane – when you say we should create our reality-- is it totally thought driven or does it require a belief in a higher power or God?

St. Germain – you must always realize that your power as a creator comes from the highest vibration existing in the universe – that is often called God, but understood as the source of all existing energy in the universe. God is energetic and permeates all of existence including you.   You must see yourself as God or creator. When one recognizes this gift of creation your life changes forever more.

Jane – When my husband Don was on the bridge and he didn’t turn the wheel and go over the side, was this is a miracle or did his guides to step in and intervene?

Saint Germain – It was his inner soul; the spiritual aspect of himself which over took his personality and worldly desires. His higher self emerged and took control. Many guides and teachers were assisting him at this time.  It was not the correct time to depart from the physical life. The relationship with yourself was also forthcoming and we chose this for both of you. Therefore, future events would’ve been affected by his early death. Both of you had obligations in the material world and the interchange between your soul’s had been chosen by many discussions prior to your meeting.

Jane – Our meeting was almost a miracle because I wasn’t interested in another relationship and it was through my sister I ended up connecting with him online

Saint Germain – You may call it a miracle but many so-called miracles are events chosen and made possible by those who guide your path. It was a carefully guided event from the higher classrooms. Your elders were proficient in creating the timeline and moving you into the necessary flow of the energy----like a stream of water; you are directed to the stream and guided into his flow in order to experience the needed events we believe are important for our souls.


I hope this post encourages all of you –Miracles happen and we should simply expect them! I wish you all a very blessed Christmas and a happy new year. You will hear from me again in 2020. Love, Jane