Surrender During Challenging Times - May 2022

According to the Bible in -— Eph 5:2. Another principle central to the Christian concept of surrender is the concept of surrender to God's Will. Surrendering to God's will entails both the surrender of our will to His, in His sovereignty over all things, in which His ways of operating and thinking prevails over humanity's and Satan's.

One day I came across the name of a Saint I had never heard of before.  His name is Saint Dolindo Ruotolo. He wrote a wonderful nine-day prayer which ended each time with the phrase, “Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to you, please take care of everything.” Saint Ruotolo said it was important to repeat this 10 times. I have repeated this prayer many times, especially when confronted with seeing things in the world and feeling helpless to make a difference. Sometimes all we can do is pray.

 We are in a period of history when surrender is the only alternative. We can become upset about the war in Ukraine, but we are helpless to stop it. We experience food shortages, but can’t fix the food chain.  It’s a time in our history when there are certain events happening and we have to trust others to manage them in the highest and best way possible.

I asked St. Germain to comment on recent world events and the word surrender and what else could we all do. I know from my readings there are many folks who feel helpless. Our parents’ generation experienced World War II but we haven’t seen this type of brutality on an everyday basis with the exception of the Vietnam War.  Some of us that were born in the 50s and remember this clearly. Some of our friends and families were involved.

St. Germain says the following, “all souls are equal in the eyes of God. The deep divide between nations, communities, schools, courts, is based on the notion of differences. When man sees themselves in the face of another, the entire world will be at peace. Some desire power and land is power; control is power; money is power; however, the greatest power is to love your neighbor as yourself. To harm another is   a sure and certain path to re—education here, and a movement backwards in respect to one soul’s growth. Beyond the journey to having completed all lives is a permanent home here. Once these poor souls realize their mistake, they either repent, or choose to release their souls into the abyss.

It is a sobering message but I have heard this from St. Germain before in another context. I think the most important thing is to practice the Golden rule – do unto others as others do unto us. If we can live by that sentence alone, we will manage get through the difficult times. I’ve seen in watching the news how the Ukrainian people in so many instances have pulled together to support each other--- and the Polish people also reach out to them to help in any way they possibly can.

If any of you are having a sense of anxiety and just watching the news or listening to the conversation regarding the current moment, using the surrender prayer by father Dolindo is very comforting. I hope you all have a great summer. I will probably be posting again sometimes in late June or early July.