Crossing Over after a Plane Crash

This past week we all watched the unfolding events after a German plane flew into the alps controlled by a suicidal co-pilot.  Like most of you I find  this hard to watch in the news.  I wondered what Saint Germain would say about crossing over from the perspective of a large group of people suffering trauma.   I think you will find this information comforting.

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Aliens as Our Creators

I received a question  that I thought was very interesting.  When I posed this question to St. Germain I was surprised at the volume of information that came forward. The question was – what part do the aliens play in our life on earth. Are they our creators?  The answer is fascinating but also raises more questions.

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My Mother's Question

This post began with a question from my mother. She asked me about the afterlife experience of my father who died in 2004. Her questions were very detailed.

For some reason  death receives more attention around the Christmas holidays. Maybe we instinctively feel that it is not right or fair that God would take someone away from us at this time of celebration and so any loss  feels potent.

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Curses and Spirit Attachments

Halloween is a proper time to talk about curses and spirit attachments. As a trained shaman and spiritual medium, I am often consulted about this subject.  Many people are sure that their lives are destroyed by a recent curse or even one dating back in their family’s history.  There is a certain drama attached to the conversation about this subject.   I can almost see the closed doors and whispers.

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Soul Contracts

I work with many people and couples in the middle of a relationship crisis. This is one of the most difficult situations in anyone’s life, and next to parental relationships offers one of the biggest opportunities for spiritual growth. As a reminder—you choose your close family relationships before birth. I write about this in the post titled, “Thanksgiving and Family.” Some of our relationships are bound by a soul contract, which is a serious commitment to connect with a certain soul and to continue the relationship from an earlier life. The purpose may be to tie up loose ends from this life, serve as a teacher for the other person, or start a new project together.  These contracts are not legally bound by physical laws and supersede marital vows and gender.

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