The Spiritual Rays

The Rays   

Sometimes the rays are referred to as the seven principles. The rays are complex and this post just touches the surface.  I have been studying them for years and introduced them to my mastery class 2 years ago. There was strong interest in the subject. I have decided to offer Ray readings in addition to my spiritual readings but only in the summer months when I’m not teaching.  Saint Germain gives me the ray numbers and I have learned to interpret them. I will post the sign up information on my readings page in early June. I have already done a few for my students.

Every form in nature and every human being are found on one or another of the seven rays.. Even our appearance and interests are affected by them. Ray placement predisposes us to certain strengths and weaknesses. They are global and personal and Rays rom a previous life can affect the current life. I think all marriage counselors should know tis information!!!

One of my students said this, “I have to say that this is one of the most accurate “personality” evaluations I have had.  I realize its energy and not a Myers Briggs type tests, but very powerful and accurate.  Also no set of up front questions required.  

This is how St. Germain describes the rays and I quote, “a Ray is energetic and chosen by you prior to your birth. There is a careful analysis of your strengths and weaknesses and how you might use the energy of the Ray in the life ahead.”  He commented on my own rays and said, your mental body is on the second Ray of love and wisdom. This reflects your strong desire to understand the meaning behind symbols and ask questions extend beyond you can see, feel, and touch in your human experience.”  He commented that we pass through the rays many times. My physical body is on the Ray of will and power. I wasn’t surprised to hear this because I have a lot of stamina and in my early life I was an avid runner and worked out in the gym quite frequently!

Knowing the rays of someone you’re considering as a permanent partner can be very helpful. Seeing an adolescent’s rays might steer them towards the right career path.  Looking at a child can give a parent an idea or of the interest that might evolve over time and allow the parent to support those interests.

The rays are about you personally but countries also have these energies.

The United States of America is now under the 3rd Ray of the mind and will transition to the 7th Ray (Ceremonial Law and Magic) around 2075. This gives me hope we are moving from over intellectualizing our physical lives to perhaps a softer and more spiritual approach to life.

There are five areas of your body (soul, personality, mind, emotional body, and physical body) and seven energies with divine qualities represented by the rays.  (Will and power: love and wisdom: intelligence and mind; Harmony, beauty, and art; concrete science; idealism and devotion; and finally ceremonial law and magic.  Each Ray is associated with a particular part of your body prior to your birth.  These ray energies shift in every life and offer us an opportunity to experience each life with a new alignment of energies.

The rays also shift and change through the centuries, and sometimes, one is more is dominant in a particular historical time. For instance, Ray number three of the mind has been here on earth since 1425 A.D. The six Ray of devotion and idealism is in decline and will eventually leave only to come back in another century.

Certain rays make great combinations, and others do not. Eventually we have lives on all rays.   You may have a single ray represented multiple times, or equal representation of a few of the rays.  It is common to see duplication by having a certain Ray more than once, and it’s unlikely that you will have representation of all the rays in a particular life.  There are easy combinations and challenging ones. We have to remember we are here on earth to be tested and grow spiritually. There are also left over energies from a recent past life which can affect the current energies.

St. Germain has taught me how to read the rays.    Only the Masters know the Ray choices you made prior to coming back into a body. There are many combinations. This list does not do justice to all the variations and intricacies of how they work together.  I have simplified these descriptions. if you know yourself well you might make a good guess on your own energies.

The First Ray is divine will and power and it is associated with death and rebirth. This Ray can handle power.

The Second Ray is about love and wisdom and it speaks for itself. It concerns unity and particularly the unity which lies behind our physical experience.

Ray three is called abstract intelligence and concerns our thoughts. Many third Ray disciples do something to serve humanity.

Ray number four is called harmony through conflict and has to do with opposites. Someone with a strong fourth Ray might find harmony in conflict.

The Fifth Ray of concrete science is about finding solutions. Scientists often have this particular energy.

The Sixth Ray of idealism and devotion calls to someone to see something bigger besides the physical experience. This Ray can lead someone to something very big along the lines of helping humanity or working in social welfare, or the environment.

This Seventh Ray is called Ceremonial Law and Magic. It concerns creating order out of chaos. People with this Ray have great organizational abilities.

The most important part of understanding your rays comes in the combinations. And sometimes there is a Ray from the past which is still interfering with the present.  It is possible to retain at least one Ray from the last life; particularly if that particular energy needs more work. It is also possible to see duplication of a particular Ray.  

I’ve chosen some people I have known; both past and present to illustrate the combinations.

Case # 1 - This person is a scientist and works in a lab as her life’s work.  Her soul is on the Ray of will and power.  She likes the isolation involved in her work and needs to be recognized for her accomplishments. She does not understand spirituality or have a connection to God. She has the Ray of will and power on her soul. This allows her to be detached and like isolation. She needs to acquire humility and tolerance. Love has to be learned. She does have a strong need to be recognized. She has the fifth Ray of concrete science on the personality. There is a good side to this and she can see life as an observer, but it gives her a very critical mind and is questioning nature. There is a good alignment in her mind. The mental ray is on the mind. This is a very good combination for someone who is a scientist. She can use her mind in a highly intelligent way.

 Case #2 -This case history is very different. These are rays belonging to my grandmother. It is a very unusual alignment of rays. Some of you know she contributed to my spiritual and religious upbringing. She did not draw lines between what was religious and what was spiritual, but instead, treated them as partners. Her soul was on the seventh Ray of ceremonial law in magic. It tells me that she liked order in her physical life, and she had certain rituals that were important to her generally focused around her Christian faith. Her personality was on the second Ray of love and wisdom. This is a wonderful placement for somebody doing spiritual work, and like me she did readings and was a devout Roman Catholic. The second Ray of love and wisdom on her personality, but also on her mind and emotional body. This was a strong spiritual and religious person who loved people unconditionally. Her physical body was on the Ray of will and power.  She worked very hard in the fields when she lived in Ireland during her younger years. When she came to this country she also was a very hard worker. She died when she was in her late 90s which attests to her strong body.

I hope this has given you a taste of this subject.   It’s just one of many indications of who we are. If you add up our unconscious memories from past lives, our birth number, our ray energies, and our current upbringing and family history, it is very clear we are not born as blank slates. We are the sum of the past and the present.

The rays call us to think in terms of energy and to be particularly aware of how our souls interact with other areas of our body , soul, mind, and heart. It is information to help us move further along in our spiritual Journeys!

When I post a link to schedule a Ray Reading I will let you all know. Many Blessings to all of you, Love, Jane