December Update- Are We in the Last Days?

I heard a story of a father taking his young daughter to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D. C. At the entrance of the museum there is a pile of shoes from the people killed in the ovens. It was a mountain of shoes—-baby and adult in size.

The little girl did not speak until they left the museum and then she said, “ Daddy, why didn’t somebody do something?

We see history repeating itself. Not only the attack on the Jewish people, but the rioting in the streets of the world against them. So, where are we in respect to the prophecies in the Bible? I grew up in the Catholic Church and we carried a missal rather than a Bible. Now I have read the Bible and it speaks directly to events of today. I will share my thoughts on where we are on the prophetic time line. I will also share a short conversation I had channeling Jesus. He could be saying this to you also.

Jesus acknowledged me and said the following,” Enjoy your last days on earth. Anticipate 7 years in heaven. There will be work to prepare for the re-building of earth— not an easy task. ( He said a few personal things to me and then I asked if the Anti-Christ is here on earth. He said, “ Yes, This individual is present and will be revealed after the departure of my loved ones. (He is referring to the rapture). The rapture is not about our escape— It is the way Christ shows his anger to the world. He continued to say, “ Continue to share the events in the world and encourage your followers to come to me— I will shelter them. If they hesitate, it will be too late.”

What he means by too late is this—- Some folks have never come to know Jesus through a church or family. He encourages those folks to come closer and get to know him as their savior.

On a different note—— This is where I think we are in the time line of events. Watch Syria and Iran. The city of Damascus which is the oldest city on earth ( 4,000 years old), will be destroyed. Russia and Iran will become involved. Russia is the MaCog nation of the Bible. It is all happening now. As I write this post I see evidence of problems in Syria and a likelihood Russia ( MaCog) and Iran ( Persia) will come together against Israel.

We know the end of the story—— God wins.

I had a dream—- Jesus showed me an event which occurred in my life in my younger years. I was on the Washington Beltway at night in a terrible storm. I was driving in the inside lane . I had been teaching in Virginia and was on my way back to Maryland. All of a sudden my engine stopped. ( I was in a very new car). All of a sudden I was on the only grassy area of the beltway—- 4 or 5 lanes away.

After this remembrance Jesus told me the event on the Beltway was like the rapture. One minute I was in a certain place, and the next moved across 5 lanes of traffic. This really helped me understand the power of the Lord.

It was a good time for the dream because I had a few thoughts last week about the Rapture and the ability of one man to move millions of people off the face of the earth. Jesus wanted me to know this is possible.

Sending all of you heavenly Blessings—— I am still here. We have to keep a little humor in the room!