Prophecy-- Post #7 White Crosses and Black Snakes

It is almost impossible to cover all the events happening right now in respect to prophecy. It feels like a wave gaining speed and momentum as it rushes to the shore. Israel stands alone with the help of Lebanon.

The title of this post was accidental! I had some strange signs happen this week. Both times I was walking my dog in the Catholic Seminary near my neighborhood and they happened on the same day. The first was three perfect white crosses on top of each other. The large one was at the bottom and the other 2 at the top. It was a beautiful blue sky and it stopped me in my tracks! I went home to get my camera, but when I returned to the spot, the crosses had dissapeared.

The other sign really bothered me. Again I was walking my dog at the Seminary the same day (afternoon) I had seen the crosses. There are many walking trails through the woods. I have lived in this area for many years. I looked up and on a very tall and wide tree saw two of the biggest black snakes I have ever seen in my life! Not even in a museum!. The next morning I visited the same tree and they were gone. One of groundskeepers told me these snakes were common but he did not realize how large they could grow. Needless to say, I am watching my steps!

The meaning of these signs is enormous. There were three crosses on Calvary Hill when Jesus was crucified and three is a powerful number in Christianity—- we always think of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The snake is also significant. The people came to Moses and said they had sinned against God. They said , “ Pray that the Lord will take the snakes away from us.” So, Moses did pray for the people, and the Lord came to him and said, “ Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.” I thought the syncronisity was significant and I have never seen snakes this large. I went back to the tree to see if I had been imagining something and the snakes were gone. It could have been a vision but I looked very carefully and have walked on the same path hundreds of times since I moved to the area.

If you refer to Ezekiel 38 and 30 in the Bible it would lead us to believe Russia will lead a war against Israel. The bigger question is—- who will come forward as the Anti-Christ to manage the plan. Look for a leader who will fill this role. Some folks think it could be the newly crowned King Charles of England but I am not convinced. Saint Germain will not divulge this information yet.

40 cargo planes landed in Damascus and these planes will be used against Israel. There are indications nuclear material may be stored in Damascus.

What about the Mark of the Beast? There is new technology which is referred to as a tatoo on the hand or forehead able to communicate person to person. Saint Germain says this, “ The signs are adding up. “

Few world leaders mention the Prophetic nature of all these events.. Upcoming events will mark the collapse of western Civilization. The moral decline in our culture is evident. Our children are being denied the history lessons we received, as true history is replaced with the chosen narrative.

There will be a thought police coming.

There are many earth-related signs—- Millions of crickets invade Nevada, severe hail storms over Colorado, flooding in Yemen affecting 170,000 people, forest fires in Canada. A 7.2 earthquake hit the Fiji Islands. I personally can’t remember more earth- related events happening at once!

The WEF ( World Economic Forum) calls for Artificial Intelligence to re-write the Bible.

I recently heard a synthetic embryo was created in a lab. It needed no sperm or egg. If it is true it does not look good for the future of human beings created in the womb.

  • What to watch for

    A major attack on Israel followed by participation of Iran, Syria and Turkey.

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